Osztályelőrírás letöltése

These class rules are open class rules and shall be read in conjunction with the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) and the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
The Measurement instructions, appendices and the measurement plan form part of these class rules. However, in the case of conflict the written class rule takes precedence. The object of these rules is to ensure that the boats of this class at all times conform to these class rules, within the tolerances, in shape and weight of hull, centreboard, rudder and mast, and shape of sail-plan.
Except where used in headings, when a term is printed in “bold” the definition in the ERS applies and when a term is printed in “bold italic” the definition in the RRS applies. Measurement instructions, within these rules, are in “italic” type.
The IFDCO Championship Rules state: The measurement committee will be appointed by the Organizing authority from names to be submitted to the IFDCO Championship Organizing Committee for approval. The IFDCO chief measurer shall be President of the measurement committee (Principal Equipment Inspector).
Axes of Measurement (ERS section H.3)
The Flying Dutchman lines are specified by offsets in vertical and waterline planes. The CWL intersects the keel line at stations 0 and 10, thus the Hull Datum Point (HDP), which is at the intersection of the plane of the transom and the keel line is 11 mm above the origin, which is on the CWL. The planes of the measurement templates, which are determined by points measured along the keel line and sheerlines, are therefore only ideally at the station planes.
The Measurement instructions, appendices and the measurement plan form part of these class rules. However, in the case of conflict the written class rule takes precedence. The object of these rules is to ensure that the boats of this class at all times conform to these class rules, within the tolerances, in shape and weight of hull, centreboard, rudder and mast, and shape of sail-plan.
Except where used in headings, when a term is printed in “bold” the definition in the ERS applies and when a term is printed in “bold italic” the definition in the RRS applies. Measurement instructions, within these rules, are in “italic” type.
The IFDCO Championship Rules state: The measurement committee will be appointed by the Organizing authority from names to be submitted to the IFDCO Championship Organizing Committee for approval. The IFDCO chief measurer shall be President of the measurement committee (Principal Equipment Inspector).
Axes of Measurement (ERS section H.3)
The Flying Dutchman lines are specified by offsets in vertical and waterline planes. The CWL intersects the keel line at stations 0 and 10, thus the Hull Datum Point (HDP), which is at the intersection of the plane of the transom and the keel line is 11 mm above the origin, which is on the CWL. The planes of the measurement templates, which are determined by points measured along the keel line and sheerlines, are therefore only ideally at the station planes.
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