Osztályelőrírás letöltése

A 8 méter körüli, siklásra képes, könnyű tőkesúlyos hajók szerte a világban nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek.
Ezek a modern, sportos hajók dingi-szerű élményt nyújtanak a tőkesúlyos hajók biztonságával.
The intention of these rules is to ensure the boats are as identical as possible in construction, hull shape, weight, weight distribution, equipment, rigging and sail plan. It is impossible to foresee every conceivable innovation which may be thought of in the future and to mention every suggestion that has been ruled illegal in the past. When considering anything in connection with the boat or its sails
or equipment which is not within established practice in the 8mOD Class or involves the use of a material not previously used or accepted by the class or is not clearly covered by the class rules, plans or specification, you must assume that it is illegal, and must obtain a ruling from the Class Technical Committee before attempting it.
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